Electric Department
Electric utility services are available to Auburn, Brownville, Johnson and Nemaha, as well as rural areas in Nemaha, Richardson and Johnson Counties.
Public power means commitment to community service and local people working together to meet local needs. Auburn is one of almost 2,000 not-for-profit public power systems across the United States.
The BPW is in charge of the water system, including maintenance of 200 fire hydrants. All usage except fire protection is metered. BPW reads all water meters every month to help customers control leaks.
Water Department
Water services to the City of Auburn, Village of Nemaha, and City of Peru. And plumbing and sewer inspections and assignment of new addresses in the Auburn zoning limits.
Wastewater Management
Sanitary sewer services to the City of Auburn, Village of Nemaha, and City of Peru. Plumbing and sewer inspections and assignment of new addresses in the Auburn zoning limits.
The modified activated sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant became operational in 1966. Wastewater is effectively treated before it is delivered to the Little Nemaha River.
Recycling service is provided for all in town residential customers. Recyclables and trash are picked up on the same service day. If you have twice per week service, your recycles are picked up on your first service day of the week.
The Board of Public Works is the billing source for American Recycling out of Rockport MO. All of your garbage services are billed to you through BPW. Questions and concerns should be addressed directly to American Recycling at 1-800-638-8492